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राजवीर शेखावत

Kavita you are very talented and I like you because you helped me. Had it not been for your help, my family would have disintegrated along with me. How I am living a normal life again is all because of your organization and your kindness. Now I want to tell people how important you are to us. You are a true counselor, the best. I always say, everyone needs a counselor like you, who breathe life into a dead life. Thanks to you and your team.

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It has been a year of healing and reflection and I wanted to give you an update and thank you for helping me get to where I had the strength to take my life into my own capable hands…..I had the ability and strength to take control of my own life. And do what I needed to do for myself and my children. I have also learned (or relearned) that I am worthy of a loving relationship. The years of me being dismissed are over! I thank you for preparing me to learn these lessons.

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Hi, You have one of the most outstanding counselors in your center and we appreciate all the enthusiasm he has. Alok has been a great support to our family and has always helped us with our son. He has been a part of our family since 2010. Someone should definitely acknowledge the positive attitude and motivation he gives us.

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It has been a year of healing and reflection and I wanted to give you an update and thank you for helping me get the point where I had the strength to take my life into my own capable hands…..I had the ability and strength to take control of my own life. And do what I needed to do for myself and my children. I have also learned (or relearned) that I worthy of a loving relationship. The years of me being dismissed are over! I thank you for preparing me to learn these lessons.

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I know this is your job and all, but that doesn’t take away from how wonderful you’ve been. I’m positive you’ve gone above and beyond what you’re expected to do. I truly see you as a hero. Not only to me; but to so many others. Who knows where I’d be right now had you not been caring for me? And really caring. There really needs to be more Shashank in the world, but I am lucky I found you.